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Board of Trustees
- Miriam Piqué, President
Head of the Multifunctional Forest Management Programme, CTFC
- Jaume Costa, Secretary
Chemical Technical Engineer
- Luis Berbiela, Vocal
Former director of the Forest Management Service and Soil Protection (Balearic Islands Government)
- Pepa Morán, Vocal
PhD Architech, landscape professional, professor at DUOT ETSAB-UPC
- Jordi Palau, Vocal
Director of the National Game Reserve of Boumort
- Juli G. Pausas, Vocal
Scientist at CSIC
- Rosa Planelles, Vocal
Director of the R+D+I Project Area in Kaudal
- Eduardo Rojas, Vocal
Dean of “Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes”, professor at the UPV (2019-2023) and president of PEFC-International
- Pep Serra, Vocal
Family medicine and illustrador
- Virginia Carracedo, Vocal
Professor and researcher at the Department of Geography, Urbanism and Territorial Planning of the University of Cantabria
- Marta Corella, Vocal
Forest engineer
- Fábio Silva, Vocal
Operations deputy, Auroridade Nacional de Emergência E Proteçao Civil, Portugal
- Bibiana Bilbao, Vocal
Professor – Department of Environmental Studies (Universidad Simón Bolívar), COBRA Collective, associate researcher – Université Paul Valéry Montpellier
Advisory Council
- Marc Castellnou, President
Head of GRAF, Bombers de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- M. Montserrat Cabré, Secretaria
Territorial engineer, Technical Office of Natural Parks, Diputació de Barcelona
- Marta Miralles, Vocal
Subinspector, Bombers de la Generalitat de Catalunya
- Mercedes Bachfisher, Vocal
Researcher, TEP ( The Emergency Programme)
- Andrea Duane, Vocal
Researcher, University of California, Davis
Executive team
- Jordi Vendrell, general director
- Anna Fàbrega, head of the Administration Area
- Núria Prat, head of the Knowledge and Applied Science Area
- Juan Caamaño, head of the Training and Operations Area
- Helena Ballart, head of the Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area
- Carla Vilarasau, project officer in the Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area
- Ariadna Goenaga, head of the Communications Area
- Mariona Borràs, head of the Membership and Community Engagement Area
- Marc Arcarons, head of the Fire Flocks Project
- Merlès Martínez, project officer in the Fire Flocks Project
- Pol Arcarons, project assistant in the Fire Flocks Project
- Sílvia Lapeña, assistant in the Administration Area (until June 2023)
- Lourdes González, officer in the Administration Area
- Gerard Querol, assistant in the Administration Area
- David Martín, project manager in the Knowledge and Applied Science Area
- Júlia Nogués, project officer in the Knowledge and Applied Science Area
- Jordi Brull, instructor in the Training Area (until March 2023)
- Guillem Canaleta, project manager in the Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area
- Lindon Pronto, project collaborator in the Knowledge and Applied Science Area
- Erika Verdiani, Universitá degli Studi di Firenze (from June 2022 to January 2023)
- Anna Coll, Universitat de Girona (from January to June 2023)
- Pol Arcarons, Universitat de Lleida (from Febuary to May 2023)
- Guillem Armengol, project officer in the Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area (until March 2023)
- Jonathan Troncho, project manager in the Knowledge and Applied Science Area
- Laura Gracia, project officer in the Resilient Landscapes and Societies Area (until July 2023)
- Kathleen Uyttewal, PhD student (until April 2023)
- Felipe Borderas, instructor in the Training and Operations Area
- Jorge García, instructor in the Training and Operations Area
- Julián Cuevas, instructor in the Training and Operations Area (until October 2023)
- Elena Luque, instructor in the Training and Operations Area (until March 2023)
- Jordi Pagés, instructor in the Training and Operations Area (until March 2023)
- Lluc Piquer, assistant in the Communications Area (until March 2023)
- Lucia de la Riva, officer in the Communications Area
- Alícia Torres, assistant in the Communications Area (until December 2023)
- Mercè Roura, Art&Fire program
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